Chocolate is toxic to cats

Did you know chocolate is toxic to cats (and dogs)? It contains a compound called “Theobromine”, which is toxic.

Which brings us to our relationship topic of the day:

People consist of many traits and different programming which will be cued by different situations & feelings which arise from them.

Some people for example use sarcasm. Interestingly enough, I read a reddit thread today where one person even said that humour and sarcasm (when not hurtful to other people), were a “green flag” to them. To me sarcasm is a red flag. I don’t like it.

I’m a cat where sarcasm is concerned – it’s toxic to me.

In the same reddit thread, several people were discussing how “too much contact is annoying” – e.g. a boyfriend who wants to FaceTime every day for several hours, or constantly text during work, etc. It feels “suffocating”.

Others said that they like to have that kind of level of engagement, and contact.

(OK, it’s pretty obvious which attachment styles we’re talking about here – DAs and AAs).

Don’t feed chocolate to cats

We can’t just assume that the sweet-tasting chocolate which we crave will be exactly right for a cat in our life.

And DAs are like cats in some ways. Yes, and people generally are individuals – so don’t treat every DA as a cat which can’t stomach chocolate.

You will need to find out what is beneficial for your mate, and what is toxic. And adjust. Hopefully your mate will do the same.

I have a friend, Florian, who dialed down his sarcasm for me when I told him that I did not appreciate it. – That is the hallmark of a good, trustworthy relationship (friendship in our case).

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